Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog 11: "Winning"

Welcome back, friends!

This is part 2 of the "people's choice" blog.  I will write a little something about every comment I received on blog 10.

Positive energy is underrated especially when you're "winning".  However, if you're like anyone reading this, then you're probably a loser and the only energy you have is negative energy in which case you are not "winning".

My gayness is something that is getting a bit out of control apparently.  This blog is gay.  My affinity for gay porn is gay.  All the music on my iPod is gay.

Hipsters are unique, creative and sincerely caring people. Actually I can't even continue this sentence because it's complete crap.  I am going on a crusade from here on in to rid this world of hipsters because they don't deserve to breathe the same air as me.

The feeling that you get after you pet a puppy while looking at a rainbow after a sun shower is truly the best feeling in the world. It makes me tingle inside.  I would take that feeling over any other feeling in the history of feelings.  Anyone that doesn't agree with this is a stupid, stupid person.

The first annual people's choice blog was truly a fail.  Thanks to all of you who contributed to this monstrosity of a topic blog.  And to all of you, who don't want me to continue dropping knowledge via this blog, well, get bent, because I will continue to entertain for all my 5 fans.  

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