Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog 7: Things I dislike

Many people have been stopping me on the streets, at a bar, at the grocery store, at work, at the bank, via text, via phone, via MMS, via voice about things that annoy me.  Therefore, I will provide all of you the service of letting you know all at once on things that need to go away.  I won't list everything as that will take the entire day, but I will give you the more important things that should not continue to be in the public eye. And as always, this is no particular order.

1. Black Eyed Peas and Katy Perry songs
2. Britney Spears
3. B96/Kiss 103.5 DJ's
4. Anything New York Jets related.
5. Southern Hip-Hop
6. People who post continuous football status updates on Facebook.
7. Adam Sandler Movies
8. People who tell me their problems.
9. Girls in Schaumburg, IL
10. UFC fans
11. Affliction/Tap Out shirts
12. Guys trying to emulate the Jersey Shore cast at the gym.
13. Hipsters/Emo's
14. American Idol
15. The 150+ employers I've sent resumes to since I graduated.
16. Stupid leg day at the stupid gym.
17. Brett Farve retiring then unretiring then retiring then unretiring etc..
18. Call of Duty games
19. Fox News
20. Nickelback

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