Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog 23: Racism 101

First and foremost, this blog is Cornelius Wa approved (Reference Blog 13 if you're confused)

Unrelated: I just reread blog 13 and I am truly a genius for starting this blog.

When you think of racism, you think of Republicans. I get it. You're also not wrong. The subject of the latest post of this award winning blog is racism. We all love it. Some of you deny it, but you all love it. There are no better jokes than racist jokes. However, majority of you are reckless when you are telling the jokes. There is a way to be offensive, and there is a way NOT to be offensive when you're telling your favorite racist joke. I will be going the route of being offensive. To some, racism is described as "hatred". I wouldn't look at this post as "hatred", I would describe it you're being educated on how racism is not hatred. Enjoy.

I couldn't really think a way to start this, so I think I'll just give some jokes about each group of people. Sounds harmless right?

Why aren't there any Wal Marts in Afghanistan?
 Because there is a Target on every corner.

How do you blindfold an Asian
Use Dental Floss

What's faster than a speeding bullet?
A Jew with a coupon.

How come there aren't any Mexicans on Star Trek?
They don't work in the future, either

These are the more tame version of the jokes. I didn't want to get too mean believe it or not. 

As my viewership is expanding, I actually am trying to appeal to each and every one of my fans. At the same time, I like to make fun of things, so if I offended anyone, deal with it. 

Some final stereotypes facts about groups of people:

White: Eating disorders
Black: Enjoys Tyler Perry movies
Asian: Kills dog then cooks them
Jew: Not their own stand alone racial group, I will never understand why they are described as such. With that being said, they're cheap.
Latin-Loves to work construction. 

This was another great edition of Origins. I hope you all enjoyed my racism facts and I hope you all learned a little something here today. I certainly did. 

Song of the Day: Africa by Toto 

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