Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blog 16: Untitled

Welcome to blog 16.  I'll be honest, didn't think I'd make it this far.  First things first, I want to thank all of you who haven't come to me with your problems over the last couple of months.  It's much appreciated. To those who have, I really wasn't listening anyway, so you wasted your time. 

I really don't have a specific topic regarding Blog 16, so I figured I'd just give you random stuff.

-LeBron James is a b*tch.
-Regarding the Job interview from blog 15, I'm still waiting on a decision.
-I still don't care about your problems.
-I'm a fan of the Enjoy Sudoku Android app.
-Dirk Nowitzki is good at basketball.
-Common ISN'T a gangsta rapper. 
-This blog sucks.
-Chicago Bulls in 6. Dallas Mavericks in 7.
-Call of Duty games need to stop being made.
-I hate stupid leg day at the stupid gym.

2011 should be a fun summer. Alot of things happening, so I'm looking forward to that.  Special shout out to the 2030 Chicago White Sox opening day SS AJ Soutar who will be entering the world this fall.  This blog wasn't too ignorant, which I fully apologize for.  I promise I will more than make up for it on 17.  On that note, be well my special friends, hope you have a wonderful and glorious day.

Seacrest PLOB OUT!

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