Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Blog 18: Untitled

I have absolutely no topic and don't feel like thinking about one.  I am just going to ramble until I stop.  How are things going all woooo (4) of my "followers"?  I hope well.  Things are doing alright with me. Thanks for asking.  While I am employed, I'm still trying to find another job. No such luck thus far.  I'm assuming with the forthcoming holiday weekend, this won't happen within the next 4-5 days or so.  I'll be patiently waiting like 50 Cent.

I do want to give everyone a shout out for not telling me about their problems.  It's much appreciated.  I didn't care back in blog 4 and I care even less today. 

As you all know, I'm currently in the middle of condo hunting.  I found one that I absolutely loved, but I was one day too late as the it was sold the day before I was formally putting in a offer.  I've found some other ones recently and their completely sucked.  I'll be looking at some more later this week and maybe I'll find one I may like.  

Watch the Throne is the new Detox.

If you plan on watching or watched the new Transformers movie and didn't hate it, please do me a few favors:  Unfollow this blog.  Unfollow me on Twitter.  Unfriend me on Facebook.  Delete my phone number from your mobile device.

I'll end this on a classy note: The Wooooth of July is rapidly approaching.  Be safe and celebrate Amurrica.

Why do I still do this blog? It sucks!  Thanks for reading!

Best Chain Ever